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The Day Mr. Spock Died

I've never met Leonard Nimoy personally. The closest I have been to him was in 2005, when he was a guest at FedCon, and we went by his autograph stand. On stage he had a really captivating personality and from his intelligent answers to what mostly were always the same questions I can only imagine that he was an equally bright and good natured person in private. He had strong views and believes and was not afraid to express them. I liked him, not only for being Spock back in the '60s, so long before I was even born, but for the person I saw on that stage.

image from image from

And now he has followed DeForest, Jimmy, Gene, Majel to the great stage in the heavens. At 83, that's a long, long life, with it's ups and downs, I imagine. But I guess it was a good life, full of the love people had for him and the character he played, up to the end: He certainly did not have to be a part of the new Star Trek films - that I personally did not like that much -, but he did it for the fans.

image from image from image from

So, here's to you! We will miss you!

LLAP and thank you.


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