The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

...has the following to say about internet blogs: Persons writing internet blogs are mostly harmless, except for when they write about movies they recently have seen in their local theater. When they do so they begin to interpret and compare to the "original", which - in most cases - is a matter of debate, too. For instance, the popluar book The Hichhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by the British author Douglas Adams has recently been made into a film and some really unimportant person somwhere in the vicinity of Hennef (Sieg), Earth, had the pleasure to witness one of its many copies being presented in a cinema. Now he is wirting in his Internet Blog to inform everybody out there who happens to know or don't know him, that he indeed has seen this particular movie, which wouldn't be as awkward as it is, if he wouldn't insist on writing it in the same style as the aforementioned Douglas Adams used in this particular book, about which the movie, well, was. This, he thinks, would give it a kind of speciality, which - of course - it doesn't!

So, to summarise, internet blogs are mostly for people who's writing is not quite as bad as, say, that of a Vogon, but not quite as good as it should be. Nevertheless, the movie itself wasn't as bad as this entry might suggest.

(For a more detailed review q.v. daPetes Blog.)